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Balancing academics with ADPI by Julia Guerin

Updated: Jun 5, 2020

Becoming a member of Alpha Delta Pi was one of the most exciting times of my life. Beginning a new chapter of my life at Ohio University with new classes and new people was also very overwhelming. While I was thrilled to be a part of my first organization on campus and meet my soon to be best friends, I was very unsure of how well I could balance my academics. As a pre-nursing major, I had a very hefty workload from the first day. It was only getting more time consuming as time went on. Bid Day was truly an exciting day with the fun of meeting all my new sisters, but also overwhelming knowing I had my first big exam coming up a few days later.

In the spur of the moment, I was automatically thinking the worst; I wouldn’t be able to balance my new sorority with my academics. However, with the support and encouragement of my new sisters, I became determined to find that balance. After only knowing my “violet” for only a few hours, she was there for me as I expressed my concerns of time management between the sorority and my schoolwork. Her words of encouragement and suggestions to talk to other nursing majors in the chapter were of utmost help to me, as I was able to get more insight on how to maintain that balance.

As the semester continued, I was so glad I took the advice of my sisters, especially my “violet” who eventually became my big. It came quick to my realization that there would always be time for my sisters, whether it was a sisterhood event, a social, or just getting dinner. There were times during the semester where I had to miss an event, but I realized I wasn’t the only one missing out on things. 

Finding my balance between school and Alpha Delta Pi showed me that my sisters will be there for me whenever I need them. They are always there to support you and encourage you when you’re stressed, making the timely workload much more bearable. The balance is always possible, and your sisters are the best ones to show you how to find it.

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